Sunday, 14 October 2012

Adventure 7 - The House of Pleasure

This is, obviously, not somewhere I can write a chapter of Poisonroot. This is about a brothel. I love brothels; they provide so much opportunity for character play!

Anyway, I painted several new miniatures just for this session. The characters entered the House and chose, in the end, to have their memories wiped. They gained experience, of course, and are left with a lingering need to complete the quest for the Succubus. She is an interesting character; the players' Insight checks were enough to tell that she was telling the truth. This suggests a couple of things: Either she has somehow turned to the side of good, or she was lying and is simply very, very good at it.

Whichever the case is, it didn't end in violence, which is a shame in a way because I'd taken the time to create the map in Roll20 as well as in reality.

I have two players, Futch and Ostardva, who play remotely most weeks; they connect via Skype and are able to see the players and me, able to read our faces and glean emotions that way. We initially used Skype for both but found it incredibly complicated when I made a set; Chris and Phil couldn't see what was going on and couldn't therefore easily get immersed. Now, they use Roll20 to see the tabletop. I think it's incredibly useful, especially in combat; there was plenty of options for combat in this week's adventure. Had they gone in all guns blazing the women would have turned on them as minions; had they decided to attack the Madame they would have found a succubus, two minions and two rattlesnakes as their enemies; to be honest, it could still happen, though I'm not sure it would make much sense story-wise for them to fight the Madame now.

I live in hope.

Adventure 6 - The Windmill

So the adventurers had fun with this one. The Goliath in the basement was one of Kali's family and she instantly saw red, all-but killing the Professor. In the end, she freed Summerchild who did the deed herself before returning to the town and letting the party carry on to Hillrest and, beyond that, Fennica.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Adventure 5 - Dunmarket's Sewers

The party ended up trawling through a sewer. They severely broke this one; the gelatinous cube that was going to be a major threat for them ended up being their pet that killed a load of my kobolds. Still, I learned a bit from this, as every. Future adventures will prove to be harder to beat.

Adventure 4 - Bounties

Two more PCs joined the party, so I planned a fairly straightforward mission. Needless to say, they came out on top and ended up with a Unicorn tail hair to call on whenever they wanted.

Adventure 3 - Leaving South Porton

The adventurers sadly took the decision to leave Porton with its bevy of possible quests. Never mind, there were lots of different things to do. Here's one of them! Also included are my own personal travel house rules. They managed a couple of good days and one wolf fight. When they rolled the wolf fight again, I did't make them go through the same thing again. It was a flexible house rule.

Adventure 2 - South Porton Investigation

Two of the people I play with regularly tell me that this was my best adventure so far. It's so good that I'm loosely basing the next adventure on some of the same ideas. It had the right amount of 'creepy' mixed with a bit of a fight.

It's loosely inspired by a quest from Skyrim. Hey, inspiration has to come from somewhere, right? There were two other options for where they could go from where they were, and I determined that this wasn't at all the way to run things. In all future weeks I guaranteed I had a route forward for them so that I could plan much better adventures. Planning three only to have two completely nuked out of existence on contact was too much.

Adventure 1 - South Porton

The adventurers took a rather... criminal route. I was quite surprised. For this first adventure I fell back on safety and went with the Wizards of the Coast pre-made adventure Kobold Hall. Never again, but it served for the first one.

Adventure 0 - Hydra Attack!

I started a D&D game. We were all a bit unsure of what we were doing, and this adventure was a good way to get us all into the system.
